Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Thanks

Mama and Company.
It is Thanksgivng. So thanks for everything! Rachel, Jon, Mom and Dad...thanks for the emails. Andrew, Adam and Emma. Well, lets pick it up... haha jk.   Hope all is well in the town of Vegas. I hear it's cold. Glad i'm not there. It has been a rough week this week. 

Me and my companion got two Dominicans moved into our room last week. It helps that they speak spanish beacuse we can always practice.  It is hard being in the mtc on thanksgiving. I think we are having rice and beans for dinner tonight, not the same, and my football will consist of the scores that dad and jon send me. (btw dear elder me the u of u byu score asap) but to kind of repeat what Rodney said, this is way hard and really not enjoyable sometimes.  I do it because I am grateful to the lord for everything that he has done for me. Thanks for raising me in the chruch mom and dad. Thanks for being good examples siblings. We have a lot to be grateful for. where much is given much is expected. With great power comes great responsibility. The church is true. I know it and want to tell others about it. They just teach us gospel pinciples and hope that the spanish will sink in. I taught the law of chastiy to a mock investigator last week and the Holy Ghost really will help you reacall words when you need them. I do miss you all... and college football. Only 97 weeks left. Love you all and have a very exciting black friday.

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