This is excerpts from a family letter Elder Scroggins sent home.
Today was my first day in the MTC. Please don't expect a letter everyday, but I felt like I wanted to write. Today was an overall good day. We don't have to remember each others name around here because we all wear name badges, which is a good thing because there are too many of us. I met my companion today. He used to live in NW Las Vegas and has since moved to Sacramento. His name is Elder Mangleson. He is a very nice man. We got to know our district today. I really enjoy being around so many great people. There are a lot of "fluent" Spanish speaking missionaries and a bunch of us "newbies". I need to pray to Heavenly Father to conquer this language. I will be in trouble if I don't. I saw Elder Waldron, Adams, Watterson today. The food is good, but nothing like Mama makes back on the farm. Take care. Love, Elder Scroggins
After all Brian, you all look just alike - those name tags are famous all over the world. Everywhere you go someone will ask for THE BOOK because of your name tag and you will have a new contact. Grandpa and I love you and know you will conquer the language, after all your cousins did.